Categorie: English

(Op uw) Gezondheid!

Aflevering 6 (slot): de stem van de patiënt (English below) TEKST EN FOTO PETER BAKENS Na vijf afleveringen met zorgverleners in de hoofdrol, eindig ik deze serie graag met de patiënt aan het woord....

Opening nieuwe kademuur Veenkade

Has peace been restored to the quay?

After years of protest and a year filled with activities, it is looking good: the Veenkade. On Thursday 12 October, the local inhabitants held a small party on their newly renovated quay. ‘Guests of honour’ were a few former inhabitants: chestnut trees, cut into benches, found a new home on the quay.

The Conscious Kitchen

The Conscious Kitchen: An argument against waste

While half of the world population has to eke out a meagre living with great difficulty, an enormous amount of food is thrown away in the Western world: almost a third of what we produce. The Conscious Kitchen tries – for the time on a small scale – to make a contribution to stop this waste, in its own way.

Dutch Laws

Know your rights: Air travel problems

Missed the plane, your flight delayed, denied boarding, baggage lost or damaged, and other air travel problems. Are you entitled to compensation (for damage)? A summary of your rights is given below.